Simon, the hatred - and I don't use the word lightly - the hatred you've received is fundamental, indoctrinated, and mandatory for all JW's who have friends or relatives who ever dare to question/doubt/reject the self-appointed "slave."
I totally empathise with your situation. My two J.W. siblings got together and decided that because I'd shared 100% truths with them, e.g. the org's involvement with the OSCE, & how much money was pouring in from the HQ sale. The straw which broke the camel's back was telling them about the org's use of a private company to provide backing music for a convention video. I then received a 'phone call from one, telling me never to contact them again for any reason, because I was saying negative things about the organization. Unbelievable! Truth is truth - whether you consider it negative or positive.
If they waken up I'll gladly welcome them back, but until then, we are dead to each other.